Ouija by Zoe_Lee O’ Farrell – Blog Tour

Today I am so excited to be reviewing Ouija by Zoe-Lee O’Farrell and published by Question Mark Press. I am extremely honoured and proud to be posting today as Zoe is one of my closet book blogging friends and has been amazing and so supportive since I joined the community.


The only thing for certain is the deaths were no accident.

Rayner High School once a prestigious school stands in ruins after such a terrible event.

A year later, a group of friends return to the abandoned school and their nightmare begins.

Something wants to get out and won’t take NO for an answer…

Ouija is Book 2 in a new series brought to you by Question Mark Horror. For fans of Point Horror, Christopher Pike & Nicholas Pine.

Amazon UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0997CPK3J

Amazon US – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0997CPK3J

My Thoughts

Oh WOW! Ouija was the ultimate fun read for me.  It completely took me back to my teen years of raiding the local library for Point Horror and (and sometimes adult horror books) and then spending a lot of my summer sitting outside reading with friends or curled up in a quiet corner. It’s such a nostalgic novella with the feel of the teen horror movies and books that I love so much.

Zoe-Lee has created a superb atmospheric setting in the abandoned Raynor High and the surrounding area.  There is always a sense of malevolence and things lurking in shadows to keep the goosebumps raised and kept me on the edge of my seat.  Using weather, mirrors, dark corners and items that play on many people’s fears adds a terrifying intensity to each setting and event.

The characters are so reminiscent of teen horror films.  As an adult I found them frustrating and often wanted them to tell an adult or not do certain things however teens in this genre never do the sensible thing do they? I liked Jon and felt he was the character that the others never really saw properly.  I loved how different personality types were portrayed (as in traditional teen horror) and how these all worked together.

The plot moved at a quick pace and the spooks started almost immediately.  It’s written perfectly for the YA, teen audience so chilling in places and spooky but just the right amount of gore and scares for the target audience.  Of course, it’s so much fun to read and I did find myself becoming jumpy or developing the chills at certain places. 

A fantastic debut novella from Zoe-Lee and for some scary fun I cannot recommend it enough.      

Author Bio – Zoe-Lee O’ Farrell

Zoé O’Farrell grew up in Watford but left the town life to live by the sea down at the White Cliffs of Dover.
She spends her days working with numbers before escaping in the evening to the world of words and movies. Her go-to relaxation is watching a scary movie or reading a terrifying book!

She is a book blogger and tour organiser just to keep her extra busy. When she is not reading or writing, you can usually find her watching Watford FC or at a gig. Failing that she can be found rolling her eyes at her husband as he acts the same age as her spitfire of a Mini-Me whilst separating her two cats.

Ouija is her debut novel.

Follow her at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zoelee.anthony

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Website : https://zooloosbookdiary.co.uk/


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