Read what you love; love what you read!

I’m an avid reader.  When I have the time I devour books and no matter how many I read, there’s always a hundred more waiting on my Kindle.  You’d think I’d stop there but nope…..I can’t resist a good book and my Twitter and Facebook feeds are constantly showing them to me, tempting me with their covers and blurbs full of promises.  So, I continue to buy more books at a rate faster than they can possibly be read. I just love them.

People will often ask me what sort of books I like to read and I find it really difficult to answer. Why? Because I read anything that takes my interest or is recommended by a friend.  I read for pleasure; not to make me look good, not for social status and not for a trend.  I read because I want to be immersed in another time, place or person’s life for a short while.  I read because it relaxes me. I read because it’s my favourite thing to do – for myself.

Often, I speak about books with friends, family and on social media and I’m surprised to find how much snobbery there is around book genres out there.

Firstly, am I the only one who finds the term chick-lit derrogatory.  There’s something a little sexist about the assumption it’s a women’s genre and also the use of the term ‘chick’ in itself is a little off.  Surely the genre of these books is romance or contemporary, not ‘trashy’ novel! I love this genre. I find it is pure indulgence in someone else’s story for a while, allowing me to temporarily forget the hundreds of things I need to do.  Romance books often provide light reading which is welcome and much needed when I have a lot going on and only short perionds to read in.  And most of all, this genre gives a little bit of hope that romance is out there.

When I was younger I read a lot of horror.  I used to find humour in the surprised looks of people when I said I like horror.  Horror indulges my dark side.  It doesn’t scare me but the creativity of the creatures and plotlines intrigue me and always make me wonder how on earth people dreamed them up.

Thrillers, crime and suspense have always been favourites of mine.  In more recent years I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching the explosion of femal writings succeefully burst onto the scene and the different perspectives they create in their work.  I love the reality of the situations in these books, things you can imagine happening and certainly do happen.  This scares me!  This gives me food for thought and occasionally a feeling of discomfort that takes me days to shake off.

I dip in and out of other genres if something takes my fancy.  I don’t cross any of my list.  But don’t judge me because I haven’t read Jane Eyre (I will one day), or the latest prize winner.

I read what I love, and I love what I read!     



  1. I totally get what you mean – I don’t have a specific answer whenever someone asks me what I like to read as well as I love any genre as long as theres a good story! A great post, thanks for sharing x


    • yes I had a virtual bookclub with friends that started as discussions and recommendations about whatever we were reading but then moved into being a book club with a chosen book for a while. I read a few books that I enjoyed and would have otherwise not given much thought to. Thank you for reading.


  2. I always mix up what I read. If someone asked me what books I would read I would say “mostly Japanese Lit but I read everything really” and it’s true if it sounds interesting, I will read it. Thrillers and Romances are quick reads for me, I like reading them but I also like reading longer more in depth books. I love the whole “read what you love to read” because I think a lot of people get caught in just reading what is popular at the time. I have learned recently not to be embarrassed by likely weird and twisted books, I just don’t care anymore! Great post!! x


    • I’ve yet to read any Sparks novels but I want to. I have so many books on my list and blogging is using lots of my reading time. I’m also doing a few book blog tours so they’re my priority at the minute. Thanks for reading x


  3. Good post.I find that a lot of book bloggers stay away from backlist titles because they are trying to be relevant to the times. I find that there is so much pressure and competition to get the latest and best ARCs and if you read it after publication no one seems to care.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love this post! It’s stupid that people can be snobby about books but I completely agree, they are. And you’re right – chick-lit should be renamed. There’s no such thing as guy-lit, after all! I also hate the question of what do I like to read, mainly because my mind goes blank for a single book I’ve enjoyed despite constantly reading, hehe. Great post.


  5. I go with my mood, if I fancy romance then romance it is, but I also like funny, fantasy, sci-fi, philosphical, thriller, murder mystery okay anything really. I even love kid’s books and some of the YA adult books are really great.

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  6. This post got me doing serious thinking. I get a lot of guff for reading graphic novels the way I do. They make me happy. People should not be snobs about something that brings great joy to people. Loved the post!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Love this! I love a bit of everything and I think it depends on my mood, some times if you ask me Police procedural are my favourite (to be honest it probably is) along with courtroom dramas, then i love horror and all types of thrillers, then I do love the romance books to get lost in to and break up the darkness, so I am with you on this completely! x

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  8. As an eclectic reader, this post is just so accurate! ❤ It's all about loving what you're picking up and picking up the books you'll love. I don't define my reading tastes with genres and so I don't consider any of the books I read as a guilty pleasure because there's no guilt 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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