Extract from The Dominion Defiant by Chris Cloake – Blog Tour

Today I am so excited to be hosting an extract from The Dominion Defiant by Chris Cloake. Thank you to Zoe-Lee from https://zooloosbookdiary.co.uk/zooloos-blog-tours for organising this tour.


An ancient adversary in the east seeks to invade Ordefima and claim the treasures it holds.

When his beloved sister is captured, Rupert, the youngest son of the ruling family, is sent to save her. As the power of the enemy increases, can he overcome personal tragedy, emotional entanglements and lost allegiances to emerge as the hero? Or will subversive forces and increasing austerity inspire the people to rebel against him?

The Dominion – Defiant is the second book in the fantasy trilogy. If you like epic adventure, dark brooding menace, vivid characters and imaginative settings, then you’ll love this latest instalment by popular author Chris Cloake.

Buy Links

Amazon UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dominion-Defiant-Trilogy-Book-ebook/dp/B09JYVGX7L

Amazon US – https://www.amazon.com/Dominion-Defiant-Trilogy-Book-ebook/dp/B09JYVGX7L

Extract from The Dominion Defiant

Word of Socha’s capture and probable destination had permeated through the Town with a mixture of anger and fear that would have to be addressed by the Marquis in his address that afternoon.  For now they were hushed, in awe of the courageous Master setting out once again to face the ancient foe to the east. 

“Bring my little girl back to me,” Leopold pleaded, sniffing to suppress a tear. 

Rupert put two firm hands on the wheel of the cart as if he were testing its strength.  “I have to, father,” he said, staring at the ground.  “The thought of any other conclusion is unbearable.”

“Indeed.  You have lost too much already this year.  I know you will do everything to help her.”

Rupert pulled her handkerchief from his pocket and caressed the lacy fabric.  “I still have this.  It kept me safe last time on the Waolings.  I will keep it close to my heart and hope to be guided to her quickly.”

Author Bio – Chris Cloake

Chris Cloake was born in 1964 and began telling stories a couple of years later. He grew up in Kent, England. He is motivated to write by a deep interest in life, particularly the cruel, deeply flawed nature of people contrasted with their incredible creativity and inspiration. The power of the natural world is a common theme in his work as a writer and professional photographer. He lives happily with his wife, two children and a large collection of music, books and board games.

Follow him/her at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chriscloakeauthor

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/author_chriscloake/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/ChrisCloake

Website: https://www.chriscloake.co.uk/


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